Gaelscoil Choláiste Mhuire
Scoil Éamonn Rís

Casadh an Chéad Fhód / Turning of the First Sod

Casadh an Chéad Fhód / Turning of the First Sod
Casadh an Chéad Fhód / Turning of the First Sod

Casadh an Chéad Fhód / Turning of the First Sod

Fuaireamar dea-scéal i dtreo dheireadh na bliana. Tar éis breis agus 20 bliain ag feithimh, i gcóiríocht shealadach éigeandála, tá tús curtha le hobair ar an tionscadal. Bhí Searmanas Casadh an Chéad Fhód againn, ar an suíomh, Dé Máirt 13ú Meitheamh. Bhí sé go hiontach an oiread sin páistí, Tuismitheoirí agus baill foirne a fheiceáil ann ar an lá. Ní bheadh sé seo indéanta murach rannpháirtíocht gach tuismitheoir le bliain anuas. Ba mhaith linn ár mbuíochas a ghabháil le gach éinne atá ar an mBord Bainistíochta, Comhairle na dTuismitheoirí as ucht a n-iarrachtaí iontacha thar na blianta. ba cheart buíochas ar leith a ghabháil le Carol Boate agus le Fochoiste Fhoirgníochta na dTuismitheoirí. Chuir siad tús leis an tionscadal nuair a bhí géarghá againn leis, trína bhfeachtas eagraithe.

We received great news towards the end of the year. After more than 20 years of waiting, in temporary, emergency accommodation, work has commenced on the project. We had the Turning of the First Sod Ceremony, on the site, on Tuesday 13th of June. It was great to see so many children (past and present), Parents (past and present) and staff (past and present) there on the day. This would not have been achievable were it not for the involvement of every single parent over the last year. We would like to thank all those on the Board of Management (past and present), Parents' Council (past and present) for their amazing efforts over the years. a special thanks should go to Carol Boate and the Parents Building Sub-committee. They kick started the project when we really needed it, through their organised campaign.

Feabh 17
Briseadh Meán Téarma
Már 17
Lá Fhéile Pádraig
Már 18
Saoire Scoile
Aib 14
Saoire na Cásca
4 Parnell Square, Rotunda, Dublin 1, Ireland.
01 872 9131
© 2025 Gaelscoil Choláiste Mhuire